套装书目:《恋情的终结》、《命运的内核》、《人性的因素》、《安静的美国人》、《我们在哈瓦那的人》、《斯坦布尔列车》、《一个被出卖的杀手》、《恐怖部》、《密使》。 《恋情的终结》:格雷厄姆·格林备受推崇的代表作,这本书里有狂热的爱、狂热的恨、狂热的猜疑、狂热 […]
If we are not given the chance to forget, we are also not given the chance to recover our memories, to alter them with time, perspective, and wisdom. Forgetting, we can be ourselves beyond what the past has told us we are; we can evolve. That is the possibility we want from the future.
- Caterina Fake