本书选收欧·亨利*秀的短篇小说代表作,其中有些已成为世界短篇小说的经典,如《麦琪的礼物》《警察和赞美诗》《后的常春藤叶》《供应家具的房间》等。这些作品脍炙人口,流传不衰。 欧·亨利是美国杰出的小说家,他以新颖的构思、诙谐的语言、悬念突变的手法表现了二十世纪 […]
Everyone in the world ought to do the things for which he is specially adapted. It is the part of wisdom to recognize what each one of us is best fitted for, and it is the part of education to perfect and utilize such predispositions. Because education can direct and aid nature but can never transform her.
- Maria Montessori