其他世界古文明接连陨落,唯有中华文明能够延续至今,原因何在?东亚史巨擘阿尔伯特•克雷格梳理中华文明从起源到20世纪的历史,以寻找中华文明生命力的根源。 《哈佛极简中国史》是欧美广受欢迎的中国史入门读物。在三百多页的篇幅中,我们跨越数千年的历史,从诸子百家争 […]
I love wisdom. And you can never be great at anything unless you love it. Not be in love with it, but love the thing, admire the thing. And it seems that if you love the thing, and you don't just want to possess it, it will find you.
- Maya Angelou