上海译文出品! “美国戏剧的良心”阿瑟·米勒堪比《推销员之死》的晚期力作!四项艾美奖得主,两项托尼奖提名。 《代价》是阿瑟•米勒于1967年创作的一部两幕剧。它是一场家庭博弈,从对旧家具的定价分配穿透到人为自己的人生抉择付出的代价。大萧条之后,维克托·弗朗 […]
If we are not given the chance to forget, we are also not given the chance to recover our memories, to alter them with time, perspective, and wisdom. Forgetting, we can be ourselves beyond what the past has told us we are; we can evolve. That is the possibility we want from the future.
- Caterina Fake