金庸本名查良镛,浙江海宁人,一九二四年生。曾任报社记者、编辑,电影公司编剧、导演等。一九五九年在香港创办明报机构,出版报纸、杂志及书籍,一九九三年退休。先后撰写武侠小说十五部,广受当代读者欢迎,至今已蔚为全球华人的共同语言,并兴起海内外金学研究风气。曾获颁 […]
As a technology, the book is like a hammer. That is to say, it is perfect: a tool ideally suited to its task. Hammers can be tweaked and varied but will never go obsolete. Even when builders pound nails by the thousand with pneumatic nail guns, every household needs a hammer.
- James Gleick