认知,是我们思考和判断的重要工具,洞察趋势、保持卓越的必要方法,是不断更新和升级自己的认知系统。 学科分界之后,学术日益专精,整体性视野日渐萎缩,碎片化的知识不能增长人的见识。 见识城邦致力于人的深度学习,打破学科边界,精选具备整体性通识、突破性思想的经典 […]
I love wisdom. And you can never be great at anything unless you love it. Not be in love with it, but love the thing, admire the thing. And it seems that if you love the thing, and you don't just want to possess it, it will find you.
- Maya Angelou